Nos articles taggués « api »
Fine tune an OpenAPI specification for mocking
More and more often, in the projects I work on, I need to mock APIs. When I’m lucky enough, the API provides an OpenAPI specification, but sometimes it can be heavy. I almost never need to locally mock the whole API, only a few endpoints. Mocking the whole API, with Prism for example, …
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Efficiently Mock APIs Locally With Prism
It’s quite common to have to mock an API locally during the development of an application. Although it wasn’t easy the first few times we had to do it, we have learnt and now it’s time to share! So let’s dive into the amazing world of API mocking! OpenAPI Specification The OpenAPI…
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Battle log: a deep dive in Symfony stack in search of optimizations 2/n
This article is the second in a series that explains what we learned and how we discovered new performance improvements. It’s focused on the dev environment. The first article guides us through multiple new optimizations for the prod environment. You should definitely read it first.…
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Battle log: a deep dive in Symfony stack in search of optimizations 1/n
My team and I are working on a big project that is becoming bigger and bigger. Split in micro services, each end-user call generates an increasing number of HTTP API calls. Performance was becoming a problem and the Developer eXperience (DX) suffered as a result. Note that we already…
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Jane 5.0 has been released! 🍾
Jane is a set of libraries to generate models & API clients based on OpenApi specs. It will generate everything you need to use your API such as endpoints and related exceptions if needed. As a reminder, OpenApi Specification is an API description format or API definition language.…
Comment nous avons remplacé OpenResty par NGINX ?
Nous maintenons pour le compte d’un de nos clients une API Gateway que nous avons construite avec nos petites mains (pas de Kong ou Tyk ici, c’est une API Gateway assez simple). Cette API Gateway permet simplement de protéger un ensemble d’API (/api1, /api2) avec un token. Pour pouvoir…
Lire la suite de l’article Comment nous avons remplacé OpenResty par NGINX ?
Notre retour sur les APIDays Paris 2018
Nous étions pour la première fois aux APIDays Paris mardi et mercredi dernier. APIDays est un cycle de conférence itinérant dédié à l’écosystème des APIs. À l’image des conférences Velocity, nous retrouvons les conférences dans le monde entier (San Francisco, Melbourne, Londres, …
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Initialiser rapidement une API REST avec Laravel
Dernièrement, nous avons développé une API REST pour l’un de nos projets clients. Une des exigences était de développer cette API avec Laravel 5. Elle était accompagnée d’une application cliente développée au sein du même projet Laravel avec Blade ainsi que quelques composants React.…
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The journey of writing an API Client with PHP and some wise advices
TL; DR; Have a small feature set, use HTTPlug and Jane OpenAPI. My (love-)story with Docker started in December 2013, after having lost a 2 years long battle against Chef. I had been attracted to Docker for a couple of months, and I finally made the switch the day when I learned…
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