Do you want more PHPStan violations?
Edit 2019–07–08: Good news! PHPStan 0.11.10 includes support for inferring private property type from constructor!
Turn on with inferPrivatePropertyTypeFromConstructor: true
We use PHPStan a lot and we love it. Some of us even donate each month some money via Patreon.
I faced an issue few months ago, and I hit the very same one today while I started a big refactoring of an application. And I totally forgot about it 😂 Memory sucks :)
So let’s talk about it, and see how to solve it. And now I hope I will remember to fix it on every project I’m working on.
Consider this piece of code:
class Model
class ServiceA
private $serviceB;
public function __construct(ServiceB $serviceB)
$this->serviceB = $serviceB;
public function init()
// This line will generate a FatalError (DateTime != Model)
$this->serviceB->process(new DateTime());
class ServiceB
public function process(Model $model)
I’m expecting to get this error:
Parameter #1 $model of method ServiceB::process() expects Model, DateTime given.
But why is it valid? Because PHPStan does not infer type from constructor argument. And this is totally valid to not do so.
A solution would be to add some PHPDoc:
class ServiceA
/** @var ServiceB */
private $serviceB;
In the Symfony community, we have some standards. Additionally, I hate useless PHPDoc. I don’t want to pollute my code by adding them everywhere.
Symfony’s coding standards state to not add the PHPDoc to a property if it can be inferred from the constructor, it is also the default configuration of PHP CS Fixer and it is considered a best practice by some.
Since PHPStan has a nice plugin system, I wrote a plugin to automatically add theses type-hint in PHPStan engine few months ago. I used it in my current application and I was able to find 45 new violations \o/
You can read the code and add it to your project if you want to.
use PHPStan\Broker\Broker;
use PHPStan\Broker\BrokerFactory as PhpstanBrokerFactory;
use PHPStan\Reflection\ClassReflection;
use PHPStan\Reflection\Php\PhpPropertyReflection;
use PHPStan\Reflection\PropertiesClassReflectionExtension;
use PHPStan\Reflection\PropertyReflection;
use PHPStan\Type\ObjectType;
class BrokerFactory extends PhpstanBrokerFactory
public function create(): Broker
$broker = parent::create();
$r = new \ReflectionProperty($broker, 'propertiesClassReflectionExtensions');
$propertiesClassReflectionExtensions = $r->getValue($broker);
array_unshift($propertiesClassReflectionExtensions, new PropertiesClassReflectionBasedOnConstructor());
$r->setValue($broker, $propertiesClassReflectionExtensions);
return $broker;
class PropertiesClassReflectionBasedOnConstructor implements PropertiesClassReflectionExtension
public function hasProperty(ClassReflection $classReflection, string $propertyName): bool
return $this->extractFromConstructor($classReflection->getNativeReflection(), $propertyName);
public function getProperty(ClassReflection $classReflection, string $propertyName): PropertyReflection
$nativeClassReflection = $classReflection->getNativeReflection();
foreach ($nativeClassReflection->getConstructor()->getParameters() as $parameter) {
if ($propertyName !== $parameter->name) {
$type = new ObjectType((string) $parameter->getType());
return new PhpPropertyReflection($classReflection, $type, $nativeClassReflection->getProperty($propertyName), false, false);
private function extractFromConstructor(\ReflectionClass $nativeClassReflection, string $propertyName)
if (!$nativeClassReflection->hasProperty($propertyName)) {
return false;
$constructor = $nativeClassReflection->getConstructor();
if (!$constructor) {
return false;
foreach ($constructor->getParameters() as $parameter) {
if ($propertyName !== $parameter->name) {
if (!$parameter->getType()) {
return false;
if ($parameter->isOptional()) {
return false;
return class_exists((string) $parameter->getType());
if ($parentClass = $nativeClassReflection->getParentClass()) {
try {
$reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($parentClass);
} catch (\ReflectionException $e) {
return false;
return $this->extractFromConstructor($reflectionClass, $propertyName);
return false;
Commentaires et discussions
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