Nos articles taggués « elastica »
Elasticsearch the right way in Symfony
You are building an application with Symfony – good choice 😜 – but now you need some full-text search capabilities? This article is for you. Multiple options are available: going full RDMS and using FULLTEXT indexes – yes it works; using a third party SaaS like Algolia or Elastic…
Lire la suite de l’article Elasticsearch the right way in Symfony
Introducing Elastically, our Elastica Ally
Sorry for the pun 😅 In March, I got the chance to share my knowledge about Elasticsearch and PHP with hundreds of developers at Symfony Live Paris. While building this talk, I tried to make sense of all the PHP implementations I came across, either while auditing third party applications…
Lire la suite de l’article Introducing Elastically, our Elastica Ally
Quel client PHP pour Elasticsearch
Mise à jour du 26 novembre : quelques jours après la publication de cet article, nous avons eu quelques très bon retours sur la partie benchmark. La grosse lenteur constatée sur la SearchSuggestion d’Elastica a disparu, et elasticsearch-php a été reconfiguré et modifié par Zachary…
Lire la suite de l’article Quel client PHP pour Elasticsearch
Elasticsearch PHP Clients test drive
Update november, 26: some days after publishing this article, we got some very good feedback, especially on the benchmark part. The SearchSuggestion slowness of Elastica disappeared, and elasticsearch-php got some configuration and code love by Zachary Tong, improving its performances…
Lire la suite de l’article Elasticsearch PHP Clients test drive
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