Les articles écrits par « Grégoire Pineau »
Optimiser webpack dans la CI
La compilation des assets avec webpack est une tâche qui prend souvent beaucoup de temps. À chaque build du projet dans la CI, il faut re-compiler ces assets, encore et encore (pun intended). Il est possible de mettre en place du cache, pour éviter cette étape. Mais dans cet article…
Forcer le redémarrage d’un worker Symfony
Il arrive de temps en temps que notre worker n’arrive pas à se relever. Aussi fort que vous vous battez, l’erreur a mis PHP ou votre application dans un état instable et il n’y a rien à faire à part l’achever ! Pour pallier ça, vous avez deux options ! Si vous avez la main sur l’exception…
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L’option reference de git clone
Il existe une option dans git pour cloner un dépôt qui n’est pas très connue mais qui mérite pourtant de l’être d’avantage. Prenons quelques cas d’utilisation pour illustrer cette option Le serveur de build Sur un serveur de build ou lors d’un déploiement, vous avez besoin du dépôt…
Comment écrire une règle Rector
Afin de mettre à jour Symfony sur l’application d’un client, nous avons dû corriger quelques usages de Doctrine au préalable. Il y a quelques années de cela, il était commun d’écrire ce genre de code dans un contrôleur : La syntaxe <Namespace>:<EntityName> étant dépréciée, …
Héberger un projet PHP sans serveur avec WebAssembly
D’après Wikipedia : WebAssembly, abrégé wasm, est un standard du World Wide Web pour le développement d’applications. Il est conçu pour remplacer JavaScript avec des performances supérieures. Le standard consiste en un bytecode, sa représentation textuelle et un environnement d’exécution…
Lire la suite de l’article Héberger un projet PHP sans serveur avec WebAssembly
Nous étions chez Mickey pour le Forum PHP 2023, notre rapport complet !
Comme chaque année l’équipe de JoliCode était présente au Forum PHP de l’Afup, le plus gros événement PHP de l’Hexagone, pour deux jours de conférence sur l’éco-système ! Dans cet article nous allons vous partager les clés de ce que nous avons entendu au centre de conférence The…
Lire la suite de l’article Nous étions chez Mickey pour le Forum PHP 2023, notre rapport complet !
State replication with Symfony Workflow, Messenger, and RabbitMQ
In this article, we’ll see how we can replicate some data between two different applications that live in two different locations. But the special thing is that the network is not reliable! Yeah, network is never reliable, but here, it’s really not 😁 The project has two applications:…
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About Symfony Messenger and Interoperability
The Messenger component has been merged into Symfony 4.1, released in May 2018. It adds an abstraction layer between a data producer (or publisher) and its data consumer. Symfony is thus able to send messages (the data) in a bus, usually asynchronous. In concrete terms: our controller…
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A new way to squash your Doctrine migrations
As time flies, Doctrine migrations stacks. After many years of working on a project, you’ll have a high number of migrations. Even if it’s not a big issue, It takes a lot of space in your code sources, and it can take some time in your CI (Continuous Integration). Doctrine already…
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We are open-sourcing our QOTD application
At JoliCode, we like to share our knowledge and our tools. We also like to have fun. That’s why we created a QOTD application for our Slack workspace. We are happy to announce that we are open sourcing it so you can use it in your own workspace. This project is a « pet project ».…
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How to use mock with Symfony’s WebTestCase and PHPUnit
We faced a problematic situation while testing our application, and we may have found a super cool solution. It’s a bit experimental, but we want to share it with you anyway. The context We have a service that usually makes calls to an external API. It’s a wrapper around the Stripe…
Lire la suite de l’article How to use mock with Symfony’s WebTestCase and PHPUnit
Leverage Symfony VarDumper Component to Enhance your Dumps
Symfony’s VarDumper Component is a game changer when it comes to debugging. It allows us to dump variables in a clean and efficient way. We hope you already use it in your projects. If not, you should definitely give it a try! Today, we’ll see how we can extend it to dump our objects, …
Lire la suite de l’article Leverage Symfony VarDumper Component to Enhance your Dumps
Handling signal with Symfony Command
A few years ago, we wrote an article (in french) about how POSIX signals work in PHP. Today, we want to share with you how to handle signals with Symfony Command. ⚠ This works only as of Symfony 6.3. Symfony 6.3 will be released in May 2023. By default, Symfony Command does not handle…
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Aggressive Caching with Symfony HTTP Client
The Symfony CachingHttpClient The HttpClient component comes with a client that can cache responses when possible. It means the client won’t issue another request to the server if the response is already available in the cache. It works like your browser by reading some headers like…
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How to Configure DNS for Developing Webapp with Dnsmaqs once for all
When you install a new project, you often need to edit your /etc/hosts file. It isn’t really painful but wouldn’t it be better if we could avoid it? I have used Dnsmasq for a decade to solve these kinds of problems, and I’m really happy with it. I asked around me, and it does not…
Lire la suite de l’article How to Configure DNS for Developing Webapp with Dnsmaqs once for all
How to Fix Memory Leak in Doctrine Migrations
I had to write a Doctrine migration to fix some bad data. Unfortunately there was so much data (~600K records) that the migration leaked. The memory consumption reaches about 12Gb! That’s not really acceptable! Usually, when there is a leak in Doctrine DBAL (not the ORM), it comes…
Lire la suite de l’article How to Fix Memory Leak in Doctrine Migrations
How TaggedLocator Can Help You Design Better Symfony Application
One of the features I love the most in Symfony is the TaggedLocator. It seems to not be well known and I believe it deserves more visibility! That’s why I want to explain how it works. I often see blog posts about ServiceSubscriberInterface and how to use it. In my humble opinion, …
Lire la suite de l’article How TaggedLocator Can Help You Design Better Symfony Application
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