Nos articles taggués « elasticsearch »
How to build a OR condition in Elasticsearch Query DSL
Today I want to share a little piece of information about the Elasticsearch Query DSL we all love and cherish. There is no « or » or « and » query. There was one in Elasticsearch <= 2.4 but it’s long gone now. So how do you build a « or » condition then?…
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Use Bayesian Averages to Improve Rating Sorting in your Elasticsearch Index
EDIT: There were two typos in this article. In the formula we were wrong about the position of one of the arguments which made it wrong, we invite you to check again the formula so you can fix it too. And in the Elasticsearch painless script, a subtlety of the Java language will…
Des frites, du PHP et de la bière
Eh oui, vous l’aurez deviné, c’est à Lille que s’est tenu l’AFUP Day 2022 ! Voici ce que nous en avons retenu, entre un welsh et une carbonade. Autour de PHP PHP 8.1 en détail – Damien SEGUY Quoi de mieux pour démarrer la journée qu’un talk sur le PHP ? Damien nous parle de cette…
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Docker Cheat Sheet for Common Database Engine
I use docker almost everyday, and usually everything is already set-up in the project. But from time to time I need one or a few tools to do something. For example, when I contribute to a project that require a Database, I need a PostgreSQL container. Or sometime I need to explore…
Lire la suite de l’article Docker Cheat Sheet for Common Database Engine
Log all the searches going through Elasticsearch
You are looking for a way to retrieve the full Query DSL sent by an application to Elasticsearch in order to debug or simply see what’s going on. This article got you covered. Sometimes we cannot inspect the HTTP query before it gets to Elasticsearch – maybe because we don’t control…
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Quelques savoirs Elasticsearch acquis à ElasticCC
La première Elastic Community Conference a eu lieu vendredi dernier. Nous y étions et voici – un peu en vrac – les quelques astuces et fonctionnalités que nous avons découvert ou redécouvert lors des quelques talks auxquels nous avons pu assister (24h de contenu en continu, il a…
Lire la suite de l’article Quelques savoirs Elasticsearch acquis à ElasticCC
Elasticsearch the right way in Symfony
You are building an application with Symfony – good choice 😜 – but now you need some full-text search capabilities? This article is for you. Multiple options are available: going full RDMS and using FULLTEXT indexes – yes it works; using a third party SaaS like Algolia or Elastic…
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How to copy an Elasticsearch index from the production to a local Docker container
I faced an issue with Elasticsearch last week, and in order to reproduce it, I wanted to have the full index on my development machine. To do that, I have some options: Use a backup: but I only want one indice. It would be too heavy to download the whole backup. Moreover it does…
How to visualize Symfony logs in dev with Elasticsearch and Kibana
Symfony comes with Monolog and some extension like easy-log-handler that writes logs in a fancier format in var/log/dev.log. But if you are building a complex application, many API endpoints can be hit at the same time, many workers can run at the same time, … and so, finding something…
Lire la suite de l’article How to visualize Symfony logs in dev with Elasticsearch and Kibana
Introducing Elastically, our Elastica Ally
Sorry for the pun 😅 In March, I got the chance to share my knowledge about Elasticsearch and PHP with hundreds of developers at Symfony Live Paris. While building this talk, I tried to make sense of all the PHP implementations I came across, either while auditing third party applications…
Lire la suite de l’article Introducing Elastically, our Elastica Ally
InfluxDB vs Elasticsearch for time series and metrics data
When it comes to store time series data, a multitude of time series database (TSDB) are available. In this blog post, we will focus on Elasticsearch and InfluxDB. Which of these solutions best suits our needs? Disclaimer: Each benchmark is different, time and performance measured…
Lire la suite de l’article InfluxDB vs Elasticsearch for time series and metrics data
Elasticsearch ICU now understands emoji!
And that simple change in Elastic 6.4 may have a bigger impact on your indices that you might think. Elasticsearch 6.4 is shipped with Lucene 7.4 – this is a one-liner in the official Release Notes but if you look closer, this new version ships updated ICU data and real support for…
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Nos tout premiers meetups en Suisse ⛰️🇨🇭
Depuis l’ouverture de nos locaux à Lausanne, nous avons la chance de pouvoir collaborer, discuter et partager notre amour du code bien fait grâce aux meetups locaux ! En juin, nous avons pris les micros de l’Elastic Meetup et ceux du PHP User Group Romand pour parler de Symfony 4,…
Lire la suite de l’article Nos tout premiers meetups en Suisse ⛰️🇨🇭
Using Rollup to merge old logs with Elasticsearch 6.3
Log storage and analysis is one of the most popular usage of Elasticsearch today1, it’s easy and it scales. But quickly enough, adding nodes cost too much money and storing logs from multiple months or years can be tricky. A solution I often see when doing Elasticsearch Consulting…
Lire la suite de l’article Using Rollup to merge old logs with Elasticsearch 6.3
La Elastic{On} Paris 2018 en 5 minutes
Ce mardi 30 janvier avait lieu l’épisode Parisien du Elastic{On} Tour, les mini-conférences locales faisant le tour du monde avant la grand-messe annuelle à San Francisco. La différence est de taille car nous avons eu le droit ici à seulement 8 présentations, peu techniques et surtout…
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Devez-vous migrer vers Elasticsearch 6 ?
La nouvelle version du moteur de recherche vient de sortir ! Nos clients ont déjà commencé à nous poser la question de la migration et nous avons donc souhaité faire un tour d’horizon des avantages qu’elle apporte par rapport à la version 5. Les nouveautés de la version 6 Des index…
Lire la suite de l’article Devez-vous migrer vers Elasticsearch 6 ?
Construire un bon analyzer français pour Elasticsearch
Dans un index de recherche tel qu’Elasticsearch, une recherche full-text est une simple collecte de documents, qui s’effectue via une comparaison de tokens. Ces tokens vivent dans l’index inversé et ont été extraits du contenu de vos documents lors de l’indexation. Plus vos tokens…
Lire la suite de l’article Construire un bon analyzer français pour Elasticsearch
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